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Six months to create consistent clients, cashflow and confidence to live the life you TRULY want

(Even if you’re just getting started, you still have a ‘day’ job, or you’re brand new to the marketing side of coaching)





Six months to create consistent clients, cashflow and confidence to live the life you TRULY want

(Even if you’re just getting started, you still have a ‘day’ job, or you’re brand new to the marketing side of coaching)



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If you’re an incredible health coach or wellness entrepreneur…

I know you’ve done the hard work already.

You’ve put in countless hours of study.

And your passion for helping your clients change their lives through boosting their health in unquestionable.

If only you could work out the missing piece: how to create a SUSTAINABLE coaching business.

You became a health coach because you’re super passionate about helping clients heal their bodies naturally, right? 

But right now, the only client you’ve got is yourself. 😐

While your passion for health soars, your business is stuck on the ground.

  • You wonder why the social media tricks you’ve seen other people using aren’t working for you...

  • You wonder if you need to perfect your health even more to start coaching others…

  • You wonder if you need to work ridiculous hours and ignore your family to make this happen...

Plus, you’re probably stuck on questions like:



The truth is, you've seen other health coaches make it – and now YOU’RE ready to do the same.

It IS possible to build your business even when you still have another job or a family in tow. 

Let me show you how.


“In the first 12 weeks of the UPswing Mastermind I made $12k from my health coaching business.

My investment has been paid back 2-3 x over already, but more importantly, I’m just so happy that I’m making an impact in all of these people’s lives. I have 3 small children, so I didn’t know if I’d have the time to make this work – but I’m only working 1.5 days a week on my business and stoked with the results. I feel like I have jumped on the ‘fast-track'.”

— Jennie Gough, UK

“6 weeks in I just sold a $4000 package. I’ve started to value myself more, and I feel completely confident that each month will be consistent.

[Before the Mastermind] I didn’t have a plan - other than becoming a health coach - and I didn’t know how to get clients (I actually got my first client so that I could take part in the program). Going from selling $30 sessions to $300 sessions is a huge difference in just a month, but that’s what I’ve done... and now 6 weeks in I just sold a $4000 package! I’ve started to value myself more and I feel completely confident that each month will be consistent.

I love the workbooks and how the program is laid out so that you really have to dive deep and think about what you want. The community is also amazing, I really feel like everyone is a sister. It’s so high energy, it’s beautiful.”

— Shaina Harris, USA

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The most established and proven global system for health coaches


The most established and proven global system for health coaches

UPSWING IS an intimate, step-by-step program for health coaches who want to fill their coaching practice with PAYING clients they love

Because you can be the most amazing health coach in the world, but if you don’t know how to build a sustainable practice – all of that training and skill goes to waste. 

As a certified IIN health coach myself, I found a HUGE gap when it came time to set up my business.

But I was able to draw from my previous career in advertising to create a health coaching business that had an advanced edge I simply wasn't taught in my health coaching certification.

In fact, I didn't find these strategies being taught ANYWHERE online or in the coaching world.

So, I refined and cultivated everything I knew into a step-by-step, easy-to-implement system, proven to run a successful health coaching business without all the hustle.

Even if you're just getting started, have never had a client, are still studying, or are brand new to the marketing side for coaching – UPswing Mastermind™ will teach you the tools to make your business blossom.





You’ve probably seen other coaches out there who look like they’re doing great on social media and have a fancy website or logo design...

And you’ve tried to emulate them. 

Yet, you get no clients. 

Because what you see on the surface is not a business. 

It’s not real.

I’ve been in online business for a LONG time. 

I’ve seen MANY things come and go. 

If you’re building on the surface of the iceberg – that’s not a business. 

There are specific things under the surface that must be in place for your business to work, and bring you clients consistently – month after month. 

And this is what you’ll learn inside the UPswing Mastermind™.

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Isn’t a standard, cookie-cutter course or a draining, hustle-based approach to building a health coaching business.


Isn’t a standard, cookie-cutter course or a draining, hustle-based approach to building a health coaching business.

Because selling health coaching services isn’t like selling anything else. 

It’s important to build a business that supports YOUR health so you can be your best testimonial, AND so you can continue to help others. 

But your health coaching certification is by no means your instant ticket to success. 

You need to learn how to show up in your business as a CEO – with a system and the drive to go after your dreams. 

I believe working out how to get clients, consistently, is the biggest leap when starting a business.

Once you learn how to do that, making a real living through your health coaching business is actually pretty easy. 

UPswing is all about helping you get there as quickly as possible.

And the best way to do that is by learning from someone who has already walked the path and helped hundreds of other health coaches (like you!) do the same. 

This is a high-touch program with a high level of support, specifically for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs. 


"I was a health coach in the closet! I would avoid telling people what I did, and although I wanted to get out there I had a mindset block that people wouldn’t appreciate what I was doing. I was just working with people in my inner circle and I wasn’t charging my value.

I found the Mastermind very attractive - to put yourself out there, you need someone who’s been there and done that to help you. It was also important for me to interact with the other participants. I’m working with Amanda, but also all the MM sisters too, sharing the journey in a group collective. We all have our own ups and downs and we can inspire and help each other.

The mindset piece and the training on getting crystal clear on your target market, that’s been huge. It’s a different dynamic when you look at what your clients want. Putting myself out there and interacting with the community has also been a really big breakthrough. My proudest win has been seeing the results my clients are getting. I also get inspired by Amanda’s coaching as she’s giving us tools indirectly - teaching us how to coach."

— Radhika Mukhija Sud, USA


The UPswing Mastermind™ is different because

It’s a unique combination of mindset and marketing mojo – my proven business system for health coaches to get consistent clients and cashflow coming into their business, month after month

The UPswing Mastermind™ is different because

It’s a unique combination of mindset and marketing mojo – my proven business system for health coaches to get consistent clients and cashflow coming into their business, month after month

Importantly, this is NOT a large group program where you're a number among 1000’s. This isn't an online DIY e-Course either. 

This is a LIVE experience with constant interaction, accountability and an intimate group of like-minded coaches.

When you sign up for the UPswing Mastermind™, you’re ticking off 5 of the biggest criteria for success:


✅ Believing success is meant for YOU. 

✅ Investing in yourself as you intend others to invest in you. 

✅ Learning from a high-level coach who has made $10K+ per month from health coaching herself. 

✅ Surrounding yourself with like-minded, driven, healthy entrepreneurs. 

✅ Having a proven plan that actually works that you can follow step-by-step. 

I used to try to find the answers in either the mindset or marketing – but the magic came when I began to integrate BOTH.

This is why UPswing Mastermind™ combines both a feminine approach to wealth consciousness with a sound and solid masculine business plan, to ensure all of your marketing and structures GET RESULTS.

And, it’s the most established, proven system for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs across the world. 

You’ll be able to:

  • Have the freedom to set up your own schedule and work at times that are best for you and your family (instead of feeling tied to a desk). 

  • Work with people you LOVE and feel like you’re making a real impact.

  • Focus completely on a career that fuels your spirit.

  • No longer have to hold back on your cold-pressed juice purchases, massage appointments, or anything that your body desires to improve your happiness and wellbeing.

In short, you’ll be free to live the life you desire on your own terms!



Six months of powerful business training, coaching, group accountability, networking and support. Designed to help you step into the successful, divine, and healthy businesswoman you know you’re capable of being, all while changing more lives than ever before.


Six months of powerful business training, coaching, group accountability, networking and support. Designed to help you step into the successful, divine, and healthy businesswoman you know you’re capable of being, all while changing more lives than ever before.



Learn business strategies and techniques – designed uniquely for the health coaching industry – that you won’t find anywhere else. 

Thanks to my experience working in corporate marketing and advertising on big-name brands, I’ll be sharing the best, most effective tools with you so you can fast-track your success.

Each month, you’ll receive workbooks so you can directly apply what you've learned to your business. Through templates, checklists and worksheets, you'll have everything you need to run a thriving health coaching business. 

+ Six program modules with video training

+ Special guest training from industry experts

+ Monthly workbooks, including templates and worksheets

+ Access to my private resources and support team



Three times a month there’ll be the opportunity for laser coaching with myself or my UPswing lead coach on your specific challenges. Together as a group, we uncover exactly what's holding you back, so you can keep moving forward.

This is your chance to get personal feedback as well as a wonderful opportunity to learn advanced coaching skills, as you witness laser coaching with your Mastermind sisters! 

+ Witness the private coaching of all group members to supercharge your own coaching skills & confidence.

+ Access the private member’s portal where you can watch all live training and Q&A calls!

+ Then, if you still find yourself procrastinating – our monthly ‘Get Sh$t Done’ calls are a co-working space to come along and commit to working through the materials. 



Get access to my team of UPswing coaches to answer all your questions, plus 24/7 interaction and support with a network of like-minded, driven health coaches with opportunity for accountability partnership. 

Plus, lasting friendships because these women are remarkable (this includes YOU!)

+ A private Facebook forum where you can connect with other highly-driven health coaches, serious about making a difference in the world. 

+ Support from myself and my team to answer your questions in our private Facebook forum for further 1:1 support.

+ Network and help foster mutual accountability as you continue on your journey.

This proven program has been thoroughly tested and continually optimised to help you step into the successful, divine and healthy businesswoman you know you’re capable of being, all while changing more lives than ever before.


(Our highest priority in our 6 months together)



(Everything you need to know for the next 3-5 years in your business)

 We really have created a comprehensive program that’s designed to support you in all the ways. And it’s been proven time and time again. Now it’s up to you to take the next step and receive our personalised support in exploring whether the program is right for you by booking a complimentary discovery session.


"I’ve been a massage therapist for 10 years and studied as a Health Coach but I just didn’t know where to start. I knew I needed some guidance and to get practical steps to go from zero to $5k.

The experience has been amazing. The steps I've followed have created interest, success and high visibility. Just doing the actual steps has created the success, even when I haven’t always believed in myself at the time. I really love the laser coaching, I look forward to it every week. It creates community and I really feel connected to Amanda as well. I still feel I get the 1:1 experience even though it’s a group setting. It’s great to show up every week to see other people’s progress and that’s very inspiring.

I think if you know that you want to do the Mastermind, just do it! If you feel in your gut that you want to do it, just go ahead as you won’t regret it. I didn’t!"

— Lynda Western, Australia


So who am I to tell you how to create your dream health coaching business?

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Hi, I’m Amanda Jane Daley and I’ve helped hundreds of health coaches – including many of the best in the industry – grow their businesses from zero clients to fully-booked coaching schedules.

But almost 10 years ago, I was just like you. 

When I left my job in advertising (working with companies like Microsoft, Nokia & eBay) to become a health coach, I felt like I’d entered an entirely new world. 

I knew what I wanted to do, but had no idea how to get clients! 

After an initial false start and the shock of how hard it was (followed by months lying on the sofa wishing I knew how to get things rolling), I finally connected the dots and brought my old career in marketing, and my new one as a health coach, together. 

As a result, I was able to quickly start making $5K per month in my first year of business. Then I held workshops, wrote my first ebook, launched a detox program, and spoke at top industry events. 

I’ve since grown my income to $10K months, then multiple 6-figure years, and now into the millions.

And, I’ve mentored 1000s of other health coaches to get consistent clients and grow their own businesses too.

I have a straightforward, nurturing style and I know your time is limited.

That’s why I don't just 'teach' you what to do, but I 'laser coach' you through any personal barriers that may be holding you back from taking action towards making your dream career a reality.

After working with hundreds of women through UPswing (and over 20 years of marketing experience), I know, with absolute certainty, that this Mastermind will deliver the ULTIMATE experience in the shortest amount of time.

Because you didn’t come into health coaching to work out how to piece together a business. 

You don't need to struggle or waste time ‘wishing' you knew what to do – I'll teach you all of it, and I'll be right by your side as you build your very own $5K/month healthy coaching business.


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“The Mastermind has been AMAZING! It held me accountable and taught me things that I didn't even know would be important.

I’ve gotten my website & Facebook page up and running, hired support and identified my target market. When I started the Mastermind I had none of this setup, and no idea how to go about doing it, so being able to accomplish this (while working full-time) has been huge.

The Mastermind also showed me a whole new level of 'how to be,' and what I can step into as a woman. I have learnt that the beliefs that I grew up with don't have to be the ones that I carry forward, I can live expansively, with freedom, and the desires that I have are not just whimsical but are meant to be lived out. When I started to realise this, the whole picture of what I had thought my future would look like changed. I now know that I can be whoever I choose to be, and that is SO exciting!”

— Rachael Dowle, Australia



Inside UPswing you’ll get six months of powerful business training, coaching, group accountability, networking and support – specifically designed for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs.


Inside UPswing you’ll get six months of powerful business training, coaching, group accountability, networking and support – specifically designed for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs.

UPswing Mastermind is for you if:

✓ You're driven, determined, and ready to be getting consistent clients as a health coach.

✓ You’re so done with wasting time on ‘working it out yourself’ or taking multiple generic online programs that aren’t delivering your desires.

✓ You're ready for a step-by-step proven roadmap to build a profitable health coaching business.

✓ You understand the power of fast-tracking your own success by learning from someone who’s helped hundreds of health coaches build sustainable businesses.

✓ You’re ready to tell that inner critic today that you will choose your own reality.

✓ You’re open to tackling money blocks, knowing that while money can be an awkward topic, there’s a different vibration from a cellular level that occurs when you choose the right mindset and wealth consciousness. (This is the hidden secret to receiving great wealth and my favourite topic to share in depth when we work together!

✓ You understand the importance of accountability to really get things moving forward.

Quite simply, you’re fully, completely, 100% determined to get consistent clients and income as a health coach. All while positively impacting the lives of your clients, and showing all those other health coaches how it’s done!! 😉


Shanna Walsh, USA

Karen Tan, Australia

Mette Flaaten, New Zealand

Sonya Gibbons, Australia

Jessica Green, USA

Jonelle Nanawa, USA

Stacey Adams, Australia

Tiffany Drake, USA

Jamie Tan, Europe

Robyn Drag, USA

Christina Maningo, Philippines

Dr. Gauri, India

Ashleigh Grave, USA

Lena Garza, USA

Kerry Ryan, USA

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✓ Create your own Healthy Business Plan based on the exact one I used to create $5K months as a health coach, without burning out

✓ Get clear on your ideal client and the exact package they’re already looking for (that you’ll also LOVE to deliver)

✓ Confidently reframe your fear of ‘sleazy sales’ to something you enjoy!

✓ Go beyond your coach training and learn the top tactics to booking coaching clients both in-person and online (hint it’s NOT a blog or website) – you just won’t learn this in typical coach certifications

✓ Set up your business to match your desired hours, location and income

✓ Grow your confidence by surrounding yourself with women just like you

✓ Go for your goals of leaving your job or making a consistent income from health coaching – why take years when it can take months?

That’s exactly what we work on inside the UPswing Mastermind



Here are some questions people have asked before saying “yes!” to creating consistent cash flow inside the UPswing Mastermind.


Here are some questions people have asked before saying “yes!” to creating consistent cash flow inside the UPswing Mastermind.

  • How much time do I need to invest into the program to get results?

    Great question!! I would say 1-2 hours to go through the business trainings and workbooks, 1 hour for the group laser coaching call, and then 1-2 hours implementing what I teach. Or longer if you’d like! There is no pressure to ‘keep up’ — the content I teach will serve you for YEARS in your business — and you will continue to have access to the material after the 6 months of the program. What I can say is that ANY time you DO invest will pay you back tenfold — and I find that the women who stay focused and implement ONLY what I teach get the BEST results. Better than those who get distracted by other things, fearful, and caught up in shiny object syndrome! This is a proven system that WORKS to get clients when you follow it.

  • How is this different from any other business programs out there on the market?

    What makes this program especially unique and EFFECTIVE is that the content and training was developed uniquely from my own journey as a beginner health coach with zero clients to making $5K+ months in just one year.

    Since then I’ve built a second 7-figure coaching business, and have been nicknamed ‘the most educated online marketer in Australia'.

    This is not your average business training!

    In fact, if you check out the curriculum, and take a peek inside the program, you can see that it's more intensive than most high-level business programs out there…

    Whilst being tailored specifically to the nuanced health and wellness industry. Secondly, what makes this program special and different, is the high level of support offered.

    It’s normal in this industry for a group program of this level and nature to have at least 100 women participate — and with only 1-2 calls per month it becomes very hard to get personalised coaching/attention.

    I am committed to keeping an intimate, supportive experience in my program:

    - I have FIVE expert team coaches supporting you in the FB group, alongside myself.
    - I cap the number of participants to ensure a high-level of personal attention both in the live calls and the FB group.
    - I also offer laser coaching almost every week.

    If you participate in this program fully you will honestly get more attention than you would with most private coaches.

  • I'm not a health coach – can I still take this program?

    Honestly, health coaching is a pretty broad term and I see this program as being suitable for anyone who feels they have a healthy message to get out to the world. I’ve had women in the UPswing Mastermind who are doctors, healers, life coaches, personal trainers, kinesiologists and yoga teachers – all of whom have benefited greatly from the training and coaching support – to help them make progress faster and take their business to the next level. If you’re unsure if it is the perfect fit, just fill in an application form so you can jump on the phone with my UPswing team and talk it through together.

  • I'm still studying to become a health coach (or another 'healthy professional') - can I take the program?

    Yes, absolutely! If you take this course while you’re still in training, you’ll be in a position to hit the ground running as soon as you get the go-ahead to coach clients. I mean, why wait any longer than that to get started, or try and figure it all out on your own?! This program will give you all the information you need to build a rock-solid foundation and start bringing your business dreams to reality as soon as you qualify! If you’re unsure if it is the perfect time for you, just fill in an application form so that you can jump on the phone with my UPswing team and talk it through together.

  • I haven't had a single client yet – can I still join UPswing Mastermind?

    Yes! It’s no problem if you’ve never had a client – that’s exactly what I’m here to help you with and this program is designed to take you from the absolute beginning. Most of your Mastermind sisters will be in this exact same position, which will help you to feel at ease being a beginner.

  • I'm still trying to identify my target market – does this program help me get clarity on my ideal clients and direction?

    Absolutely. While you probably KNOW that you have a message to share with the world, it is totally normal to struggle to ‘clarify’ exactly what this is in a way that will actually sell and resonate with your ideal client. I got ya on this one – expect to start from scratch and build from there.

  • What if I don't have a website, a blog, a newsletter list, or a massive following?

    That’s not a problem. You don’t need to have a massive online following, a blog or a website to take this program. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and when I first started I only had a handful of friends and family members on my list! We’ll work on growing your following over the next 6 months – but particularly in the latter half of the program.

  • What additional investments will I need to make in order to implement what I learn?

    The great news is, you don’t have to invest a lot to implement the things I teach you, and the amount of additional investment is really up to you. I do have a ‘little black book’ of business recommendations and resources up my sleeve – including where to go to create low-cost and effective websites, what you should be spending money on and what you shouldn’t, where to create free graphics and marketing content, programs for scheduling clients, free email marketing platforms, and much more. Beyond the basics, you may choose to invest in hiring support for more advanced pieces such as Facebook ads, but you certainly don’t have to and I would never advise that before you’re making money from your business first.

  • Why is this program about more than marketing?

    Doing the ‘inner work’ around wealth consciousness, confidence, mindset and overcoming fear has been a massive part of my own success – and I know it’s going to be a big part of your journey as well. I’m in my element when bringing my energy healing training into our calls to really kick those pesky limiting beliefs out of your business path for good. This ‘inner work’ is where most people get stuck and stay stuck in their business – so focusing on it at the start will set you up for success.

  • Will all calls be recorded? How will I get access to the training?

    Yes! All our group laser-coaching calls are recorded and uploaded to the membership site within 24 hours for you to view later if you cannot make the call live. The business training videos are released weekly, and you can watch them at your convenience. This program is a completely online course, so everything – including your training videos, workbooks, and live calls – will be stored on our private members’ site.

  • Is there a payment plan, or do I have to pay in full up front?

    There are 3 simple payment plan options for UPswing to make it a much easier investment. If you have a goal to book just one client every 1-2 months – then you will easily cover the payments to take part in UPswing.

    Alternatively, if you choose to pay in full, you’ll get access to special 1:1 call bonuses – so you can move forward with even more momentum and clarity.

  • Am I guaranteed to make money?

    As you can imagine, there are no guarantees when it comes to programs like this – because success requires implementation and commitment on your part – but this course has proven extremely high results time and again.

    About 75% of clients in a recent Mastermind program had their first paying clients 6-8 weeks into the program. Every person is unique in their circumstances and I’m committed to showing you how to get paying clients in a way that serves you and your own goals in a sustainable way.


"I needed to build my business from scratch and was looking for a step by step process to help it grow.

The Mastermind experience has been amazing. There has been a lot of mindset shifts which I’ve loved. It’s everything I expected it to be, working out what I want from my life and my business, digging into my target market and then finding where to find clients. I’ve literally followed the system. The steps are logical and that’s what makes it successful. The group has been phenomenal. They are all on their own journey and the support is about what we are going through as business owners, not so much about the business niche or the fact that I’m not a Health Coach.

In 3 months I’ve come to a place where my business is steady enough so I can let go of my other business. I can confidently let go so that I can focus 100% on the business that I love, the one I am being called to do."

— Karen Geddis, Australia

"[Before the Mastermind] I had no clients and had made no money. I wasn’t sure I could make it as a Health Coach. I wasn’t really all in, I had one toe in and the rest of me out.

A few months in and I now have 3 clients. One of the most important things I have got from the program is how much I need to work on myself. It’s ok to be a beginner and you don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I’m taking the small steps Amanda has given us and it’s working. If it wasn’t for the Mastermind, I think I would have gone back to the corporate world by now."

— Valerie Barrs Mainridge, USA

“[Before working with Amanda] I was scared to put myself out there. Now I’m getting consistency with new clients, which feels great.

Last month was the first month I’ve made more money from health coaching and personal training than I do in my part-time job. That means financial freedom for me. I’ve had an opportunity to go to Italy for 3 weeks, and I don’t think I would have said yes if it wasn’t for this program. In the 3 months I have been in the Mastermind I have doubled my revenue compared to the 3 months prior. And I have to say I'm thrilled!”

— Emma Polette, Australia

"I can't express enough my gratitude towards Amanda and my UPswing sisters.

UPswing has given me the clarity and confidence to get my business up and running that I couldn't have ever 'worked out' on my own - and trust me I had tried! UPswing has enabled me to get super clear on my target market, what their needs are, how my program can help them and how to speak to them. I have also made huge gains in my understanding and mastering of my wealth consciousness and value I place in myself and my expertise. 

Amanda's ability to intuitively give me the most perfect advice & reflections during our laser coaching sessions and 'get me out of my head' consistently surprised and impressed me. From UPswing, I have started signing my first clients and they're all paid upfront in full! I feel like I now have the secret formula, resources and scripts available to take my business to the next level. By the way, Amanda's scripts are amazing!"

— Lila Barbara Horrell , New Zealand


"Before the Mastermind, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I had never run a business, and I was struggling with finding clients.

A week after talking to Amanda about my money issues and clearing that fear, I found my first client quite randomly. She paid my full package upfront, and I was in shock at how easy it was once I was clear. Since then I’ve signed up another 3 clients (this was double my initial goal so that’s pretty cool). I am now 10 million times more confident that I will get clients -- and have realized that the confidence is key. I’ve also started building my list and have launched a month-long challenge that I am loving, as it finally feels like I’m nurturing and cultivating my community. I can’t wait to see what the next few months of the Mastermind will hold!”

— Erin Laishley, Australia

"Before I joined the Mastermind program I had no idea how to run an online holistic coaching business or even how to find clients.

I definitely had the drive and determination to make it happen. I was looking for practical tools, support and encouragement and I found it in Amanda’s Mastermind program. I believe I built friendships for life with other Mastermind sisters.

Today I’m super clear on what it takes to run my own coaching business and how to find my ideal clients. Amanda’s skills as a coach are out of this world. I have overcome few personal challenges during the program and I feel super confident that my business is going to rock! My very first client signed up for the 3-month package and paid upfront! I’m in love with my business. I am more grateful than I can ever express in words! it literally changed my life. Thank you so much, Amanda!"

— Erika Morvay, Australia

“I want to tell you that your Mastermind program is seriously awesome - the value is fantastic.

I'm getting more out of this program than I did last year working 1:1 with a business coach - at a fraction of the cost.

The community is insanely supportive and I've really connected with the other Mastermind members - we stay in communication each day and this makes a huge difference - through the good stuff and the challenging stuff. Thanks again for everything you do - it is seriously a gift.”

— June Melia, USA

“I'm so incredibly glad that I chose to sign up for Upswing Mastermind, it's changed everything!

The content, structure and guest mentors have all been awesome, inspiring and so useful. I feel like I'm completely set up to make my business as lucrative as I want it to be going forward. The biggest thing was getting clear on my target, and from there learning the copy and the structure for making a package. I now have 15 new 3-month clients, and am regularly getting 2-4 Discovery Sessions per week, and am converting 90% of them to clients! It's so exciting! I've quit my part-time job and am now working full time as a coach.

This experience has changed my life and given me the confidence to build my dream freedom business! I can honestly say that I don't think I ever would have got here without UPswing Mastermind. Thank you Amanda!

— Andrea Featherstone, Australia

“I cannot say enough about how the Upswing Mastermind changed my business.

One of my biggest “wins” was committing to a target market, as that was the deepest darkest hole for me to climb out of (and something I’ve been struggling with since 2013 when I got my first client).

Since I got clear on this, everything is 1000x easier and flowing so much better. I am consistently making good money each month now, and I feel totally at ease during discovery sessions. The Mastermind is a decision to play big and make your business a reality. And Amanda provides everything you need for that - knowledge, support, sisterhood. If you show up and do the work, you absolutely can create 5K months with the UPswing Mastermind.”

— Rachel Sizemore, USA

"If you are looking for someone to really show you everything you need to have in place to run a health coaching business and exactly how to get there, Amanda is the one to show you how.

The UPswing Mastermind gives you everything you need in a step by step plan. Amanda is amazing at both teaching you the business stuff and also coaching you through the many struggles you have or mindset shifts you need to make to get you inspired and back on point fast. Not only does the UPswing Mastermind give you all that but it also gives you the most amazing bunch of women to go through the journey with, which has been totally priceless for me!"

— Tamsin Casey, Australia

"I was halfway through my health coaching program when I joined the Mastermind. I’m still in full-time work and my goal is to get out of the corporate world.

I was at the point of 'I need something more, I want to make this happen a lot faster'. I’m just gaining so much more knowledge from doing it this way, I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t joined. My proudest moment so far was getting my first client and seeing how much I am helping him."

— Ame Tully, Australia

"Upswing Mastermind has beyond a doubt given me ALL the tools I need to create a thriving health coaching business. 

Amanda has created an incredible business training that is beautifully integrated with an indescribable self-development course.  She cares about her clients as human beings more than she cares about them as clients, and I am so lucky to have come across her program.  Because of UPswing Mastermind I am a better health coach, a better business woman, and a better human being.  I am now confident in my ability to deliver my gifts to the world."

— Jamie Raisleger, USA

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Why join the UPswing Community?

My own greatest business breakthroughs come when I work not only with an amazing mentor, but when I've joined an awesome community of like-minded women!

Why join the UPswing Community?

My own greatest business breakthroughs come when I work not only with an amazing mentor, but when I've joined an awesome community of like-minded women!

Because surrounding yourself with other women who have BIG dreams, and BIG energy to make it happen, turns your dreams into your reality much faster.

Their breakthroughs become your breakthroughs. You just can't find a stronger level of accountability than women who are going for it, and who have your back.

I only allow women who have positive energy and want to help each other forward.

Now is your time to become a leader in the health coaching industry, and create a new paradigm where health coaches make a high income through shifting the way the world values health.

Past participants are constantly feeding back that joining the Mastermind saved them time. Having a system to follow, and a place to get quick feedback and guidance, supports you to build your business in the most efficient manner. 

If you have a full-time job, kids to take care of and/or other priorities in your life – this structured approach will ensure you maximise your valuable time.

A special note if you’re thinking, “I’ll wait until next time”...

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I’ve been running UPswing Mastermind since 2014, supporting emerging health coaches to move their businesses forward. 

I know when you say, “I’ll join next time” – you genuinely mean that.

But I can tell you based on the data that less than 1% of people who tell me they’re going to come back actually do. 

That’s because the universe has aligned us all together at a certain place and certain time and a doorway has opened – right now. 

Next time, a new circumstance in life might have popped up and the doorway will be gone... 

But I do get these feelings of needing to be “more prepared”. 

When you’re not used to bringing in clients yet, it can be very hard to trust. 

The truth is, these fears are only there to be cleared, so that you’re able to guide your own clients through this process as well. 

It’s a rite of passage to courageously step into our gifts. 

You get to decide today that you are going to get clients and not start from a place of scarcity. So tune into your heart and try to understand if you’re putting off starting a business from a place of fear?

How much money (and how many client transformations) could you be leaving on the table by waiting until next year? 

Is the risk actually bigger to wait until next time…?

If you’re ready to get consistent health coaching clients while building the life of your dreams...